Monday, February 25, 2008

Sleep Eating

So I have come to the conclusion that I have a serious problem I call sleep eating. I will wake up in the middle of the night, around 2 am and find myself in the pantry. Then I am back in my bed putting a chip in my mouth. I am not even half awake when I am doing it and its so weird. I am asleep and I am chewing. Then I am grabbing for another chip. Why am I so hungry in the middle of the night that I sleep walk and eat? I know its bad to eat in bed but I can't control myself when I am sleeping. Plus I sleep with the tv on and I think all those subliminal messages are getting in my head and going to my stomach. I guess I will have to start locking the pantry on myself so that in my sleep I give up when I can't get the door opened.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Handy Man

So last weekend my husband got this epiphany. He was replacing the light in the kitchen and decided that the cupboards cast too many shadows on the counters. Being an electrician he decided we needed under cabinet lighting. So we headed of to Lowes to look at the lights and on Sunday he decided he was gonna do it. I was thinking, Oh no this is gonna be one of those things that will cost a bunch of money and then never get finished. We bought all the stuff he would need and he started on it. He got only half way done and then the weekend was over and he had to put it off until the next weekend. The weekend started and we got a new fridge delivered which ended up being to tall for the cabinet so Darin came over and they pulled down the cabinet so the fridge could fit. Then Brandon got started right away on his project. Its so great to see my husband doing something around the house that has a great outcome and gives him a sense of pride in himself for accomplishing something he never would have dreamed of trying. I went shopping for the Super Bowl and when I came back. he not only had transfered all the food into the new fridge but he was finished with his project. I have to admit, it makes the kitchen look much more appealing and relaxing. So he added some decor to our kitchen in 2 weekends. Great job Brandon. I love you!