So I have come to the conclusion that I have a serious problem I call sleep eating. I will wake up in the middle of the night, around 2 am and find myself in the pantry. Then I am back in my bed putting a chip in my mouth. I am not even half awake when I am doing it and its so weird. I am asleep and I am chewing. Then I am grabbing for another chip. Why am I so hungry in the middle of the night that I sleep walk and eat? I know its bad to eat in bed but I can't control myself when I am sleeping. Plus I sleep with the tv on and I think all those subliminal messages are getting in my head and going to my stomach. I guess I will have to start locking the pantry on myself so that in my sleep I give up when I can't get the door opened.
This is very bad... locking yourself out would be a very good idea! ;o)
Actually, we were talking in my Psych class about that. It's a new disorder pretty much women/girls will be like sleep walking and go to their kitchens and eat all this food. Usually they don't know that they're doing it, but they eat all this food and find all this food gone the next morning. They don't usually remember a thing, but they're still looking into it. The only reason they're considering it an eating disorder is because it only effects women/girls.
hey Vicki, no you didn't do anything to make me mad...silly girl... sorry I haven't posted, I really don't have an excuse...I check your blog all the time though. I am sorry to hear about this sleep eating thing...I have a friend whose mother does the same thing, but they think it is a side effect of her sleeping medication. Have you tried anything to stop yourself?
hey what are you up too? I do check your blog frequently...I want to see some pics of the kidos!
I hope you have solved your sleep eating problem!
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